Sarah Rabin
Sarah qualified with a BSc in Human Communication, Speech & Language Therapy in 2020 from De Montfort University. In her first NHS role she worked with adults in hospital and community settings treating clients with a range of speech disorders following stroke, dementia and using alternative or augmentative communication (AAC). As a student, Sarah had a keen interest in transgender voice work and secured work experience placement at the Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health, SLT Department. She presented “Feedback of Trans Women Regarding Voice Therapy” at the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapy 2019 conference. Sarah has a strong interest in inclusion, and cross-cultural programs. She has a background in drama and music and was the recipient of the De Montfort University and Philharmonia Music Scholarship in 2018/19.
In November 2020, Sarah completed Christella’s Working with Transgender Voice course followed by an observation period at Christella’s private practice and has assisted in the running of the voice practice groups. As a developing specialist in Transgender Voice work, Sarah has received direct one-to-one training with Christella and is trained to deliver Christella’s voice modification programs and receives regular supervision from Christella as a developing specialist in Christella’s team.