Voice & Speech Clarity

Programme & Packages

It is possible to book individual sessions regarding developing voice and speech clarity, paying for each session as you go. However, we offer the programme at a reduced rate when booked as a package. It is of benefit for all people with an interest in improving their speech and voice safely and effectively.

(Note, it is not suitable for individuals with diagnosed voice pathology or injury. Please see our voice therapy programmes or contact us for advice).

Suitable for:

  • All individuals wishing to improve their voice ability and speech clarity.
  • All people who feel they voice and speech isn’t easily understood by others.
  • Individuals who wish to gain voice projection or vocal presentations skills.

Programme Process:

  • The programme builds up in a very step wise way, using exercises fully demonstrated and supported by the clinician.
  • The level of the exercises gradually increases to build both clearer speech and voice, developing increased communication confidence.
  • Bespoke therapeutic exercises added according to the individual’s specific needs.

Programme Fees

Level 1: (4 sessions; 50 mins each). £495.00.

Level 2: (4 sessions (50 mins each) £465.50.

*(Following completion of any level 1 course, individuals are eligible for a 5 % fee reduction on any additional package programme.)

Pay by card.

Appointments can be paid for via card online either upon receipt of your invoice or at the time of booking (if booking via our booking system)

Covered by insurance?

Some of our clinicians are able to offer services via health insurance cover for those with appropriate policies. Though naturally there are several factors to consider. Click on the options below for further information.
PLEASE NOTE: Full fees for all appointments are payable for non-attendance or cancellation with less than 24 hrs notice.